What is Reading Groups for Everyone?
Reading Groups for Everyone was created by The Reading Agency We want to raise the profile of reading groups and book clubs and encourage them to grow by providing a one-stop-shop for information on groups in the UK.
If you run a reading group or a book club then we would like you to put the information about your group on this website.
If you want to join a group or run a group we’d like you to use this website. It will take a while for the organisers of reading groups, writing groups and book clubs to put their details on this website so if you know of a group that should be on this site, please get in touch with the group’s organiser and ask them to add their details.
In the meantime you can join Reading Groups for Everyone to keep in touch, follow us on Twitter or join the chat on Facebook
What sort of group can I add to the Reading Groups for Everyone website?
To add a groups to the Reading Groups for Everyone website it has to be a group of people who come together (literally or virtually) to share and discuss things that they have read, books they have listened to or literature they have read aloud together. They can be commonly known as reading groups or books clubs, or sometimes by other names. Your group doesn’t have to meet in a venue – it can be an online group – but it does have to discuss reading.
Groups can be run by libraries, other organisations or by members of the public.
Film clubs, craft circles and the like are not allowed on Reading Groups for Everyone and will be removed from the database.
See Terms and conditions for more details.
What is on the Noticeboard?
The Reading Agency works with publishers and other partners like book prizes and festivals to bring you offers and initiatives for reading groups and book clubs. These may be a free book set for your group, invitations to read and comment on a new author’s work, ideas for your group to discuss, authors who are available to come and talk to your group, posters and publicity materials to promote a reading initiative and national reading schemes and promotions your group can get involved with.
Go to the Noticeboard to find out about the latest promotions, giveaways and events. If you want to follow any of the offers up, you will find contact details at the end of each listing.
What are Choice Reads?
Choice Reads are our collections of books that we bring to reading groups that we hope will inspire you. They are linked to events in the calendar, like Black History Month, and to The Reading Agency’s other programmes like World Book Night and the Summer Reading Challenge.
All of our Choice Reads are selected from the reading database that holds the book data from across all The Reading Agency’s programme sites. It is synced with the Neilson lists of published books and updated every week. This means you can also use the search function to find any book published in the last week to inspire your next reading group read.
And is someone who is also registered with Reading Groups for Everyone or any of The Reading Agency’s other websites for adults and young people, has reviewed the book you view then you can read their review and how they rated it.
Why should I put information about my reading group on Reading Groups for Everyone?
By adding your reading group or book club to the Reading Groups for Everyone website be able to publicise your group, let people know if they can join you and be part of growing an online community of people who believe in the power and impact of reading groups. You can send us in your stories about your reading group and how it is making a difference in your community. And you can receive information about offers and events that your reading group can take advantage of.
Once your group is registered on Reading Groups for Everyone you can go and join your group on Reading Groups for Everyone and use it as the place to rate and review books your group has read, put together your next reading lists and take up offers from publishers through the Noticeboard.
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What do you mean by reading groups?
When we use the term reading groups we mean groups of people who get together to share and discuss things that they have read. They can be commonly known as reading groups or books clubs, or sometimes by other names. Your group doesn’t have to meet in a venue – it can be an online group – but it does have to discuss reading and writing.
Groups can be run by libraries, other organisations or by members of the public.
Film clubs, craft circles and the like are not allowed on Reading Groups for Everyone and will be removed from the database.
See Terms and conditions for more details.
Special rules for children’s and young people’s groups
You will see a safety icon against groups for children and young people and families which will remind you to that it is your responsibility to check that the group has the proper safety and insurance policies are in place.
We have this rule to help comply with the Children Act. Even when reading groups are run by public organisations we still advise that parents and carers make sure that the organisation responsible for the group complies with the Child Protection Act and that it has suitably qualified staff and policies in place.
See The Charity Commission for information and advice on what organisations should do to help ensure your child’s safety.