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Wimbledon Village Reading Group


Meets at Light on the Common (formerly known as Light Cafe) on

Run by Jessica Mulley Library service

Wimbledon Village Book and Reading Group is an informal and friendly bookclub which meets monthly, on the last Thursday of each month. Membership is diverse (ie every is welcome) as are the range of books we choose to read and discuss- contemporary and classic fiction, biography, history, poetry and the odd expose. We do not read chick lit. We select books to read two months in advance to give everyone plenty of time to read. Meeting are very informal and usually take place over good food and a drink or two. New members and guests are always welcome. You can join, and find out what we\'re reading here: Bookclubs on BookAddiction

We meet at: 48 High Street, Wimbledon, London, SW19 5AX,, Merton, London, SW19 5AX

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