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Aylesbury Chatterbooks


Meets at Aylesbury Library on

Run by Ben Foster and Luke Baker Library service

We run two Chatterbooks groups - one for 7-10 year olds, and one for 10-12 year olds. Here, we read or chat about books (the clue's in the name), or any topic that may grab our fancy! We sometimes do creative writing, and can often be found playing games - Consequences is a firm favourite! Sometimes we'll give set books or set authors to read (if you want to), and sometimes we just let people choose their own thing. Recently, we've designed our own maps, and invented people (human or otherwise) who live there; we've done Desert Island Books; we've redesigned covers for our favourite books; and we've written stories for the 500 Words competition. Whatever we do, whether it's thoroughly "booky" or not, we always have fun!

We meet at: Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 1UU

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