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Strange Weather in Tokyo

Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami (Y), and Allison Markin Powell

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By Hiromi Kawakami (Y), and and, Allison Markin Powell

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Tsukiko is in her late 30s and living alone when one night she happens to meet one of her former high school teachers, ‘Sensei’, in a bar. He is at least thirty years her senior, retired and, she presumes, a widower. After this initial encounter, the pair continue to meet occasionally to share food and drink sake, and as the seasons pass – from spring cherry blossom to autumnal mushrooms – Tsukiko and Sensei come to develop a hesitant intimacy which tilts awkwardly and poignantly into love.
Perfectly constructed, funny, and moving, Strange Weather in Tokyo is a tale of modern Japan and old-fashioned romance.


13 Aug 2019


Really enjoyed this slow, senuous story about two quirky people reaquainting themselves with each other and falling in love. Gently told and beautifully translated.

08 Feb 2016

A very short book which, although strange, has an almost hypnotic quality. it is told through the eyes of Tsukiko, a single woman in her late 30s who one day meets one of her old teachers and subsequently develops a relationship with him. It isn't a love story in the usual sense: there is a huge age difference between them and their meetings appear to take place by chance. There's no formal structure to their relationship and both Tsukiko and Sensei are self contained to the point of reticence. I found the mood of the book melancholic, suffused with a sense of yearning and loss. The snatches of haikus added to this feeling. Tsukiko shies away from intimacy, as shown in her relationship with Kojima, yet she also craves it.
Food is obviously a very important theme in the book, highlighting the similarities between Tsukiko and Sensei and I did wonder whether some of their choices may have nuances that are obvious to the Japanese reader but lost on me. Indeed the book brought back many memories of a visit to Japan some years ago and the bewilderment I felt at some of the strange customs and etiquette of daily life. Although drawn into the book, I didn't feel emotionally involved until the very end, and maybe this was down to cultural differences, although the last few lines were incredibly sad. I'm glad I read it and would recommend it to others, not least because it is totally different to the books I usually read and perhaps gives a little insight into Japanese culture.

08 Feb 2016

[email protected]

Feedback from The Busy Bees - Nottingham.
Before 30 something Tsukiko meets up with her old teacher, Sensei, she seems to lead a very lonely existence. We never get to know exactly what she does for a job but her life seems very monotonous.
This is very unconventional "love story"; talk about a "slow burn"!!! Debbie (busy bee) thought the age gap was ridiculous and almost repugnant to contemplate.
We tried to explore why she was attracted to Sensei when she could clearly attract men of her own age. Kevin (busy bee) thought she enjoyed his dominating character and was looking for a powerful older man. I thought he simply enjoyed her company and never offered any encouragement until the end. Jerry (busy bee) couldn't connect with either character. He found them both cold but could at least get a picture of Sensei whereas he was clueless as to how Tsukiko might look.
We all enjoyed the brief look at another culture but it was not enough; we wanted more!!! I have watched a great deal of Anime films with my son so found the book familiar territory. I'm not saying that this genre covers everything to do with Japan but it does allow a glimpse of a very different culture to ours. The "cherry blossom" festivals, eating/drinking rituals and the respectful observance between generations was fascinating. None of the group understood the dream sequence or felt it added anything to the story. In all we felt the only thing they had in common was a love of eating and drinking. They indulged their appetites freely but never shared any emotional connection. Their lives were so compartmentalised by the time they reconnected that they were never going to be able to enjoy an intimate connection.

08 Feb 2016

[email protected]

Aloofness personified is about right for the two characters portrayed in this novel and yet it is probably more realistic in terms of a developing relationship than is often the case in fictionalised accounts. It has to be said that this is an undemanding novel although it is the frustratingly slow unfolding relationship that is also its unusual charm. This is a believable romance, particularly with the age difference factor taken into account, but also slightly odd.

A quirky read albeit short and unchallenging. Great characterisation but maybe insufficient plot to make this a truly memorable book. Nonetheless it deserved to be shortlisted as a potential prizewinner.

08 Feb 2016

Review by Chislehurst Library Reading Group of Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami.

Rather than present a view of Japan for Western consumption, this book seems to capture a genuine foreignness which at times is quite unnerving and strange. The sense of place is very important in this story, as is taste and smell. It has a quietness and a stillness unlike most popular fiction.
At first the meeting between Tsukiko and her Sensei seemed a little staged, but as the plot develops and their relationship becomes more involved, the story gains a depth which the first few chapters belie. Although written in simple language, this does not prevent the author from portraying depths of feeling – in fact, the writing style actually helps in this.
The relationship between the two main characters was always intriguing and never dull, drawing the reader into a world of rich imagery and imagination. Anyone looking for a different read, away from the run-of-the-mill reading group titles, would do well to give this a go. It is not a thrilling book, but nevertheless will leave an impression.

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