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The Storm Keeper’s Island

The Storm Keeper’s Island by Catherine Doyle

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By Catherine Doyle

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43 reviews


02 Sep 2024

Great book to read, could not stop reading I probably could read all night if I didn't force myself to go to sleep. Full of adventure and mystery a amazing advanced readers book.

10 Nov 2023

Brilliantly written and engaging.

30 Sep 2023

A great book (I read it in less than a week) with characters to both love and hate.

16 Jul 2023

This book was recommended to me by a child who told me that I would enjoy it and they weren't wrong. With strong characters and some twists and turns along the way I felt that I was on the island at times.

10 Sep 2022

[email protected]

Full of mystery and magic.

02 Sep 2022

So very great, I’m now going to read the other 2 books in the series!!!

09 Aug 2022

When Fionn Boyle sets foot on Arranmore Island, it begins to stir beneath his feet...

Once in a generation, Arranmore Island chooses a new Storm Keeper to wield its power and keep its magic safe from enemies. The time has come for Fionn's grandfather, a secret and eccentric ol man, to step down. Soon a new Keeper will rise.

But, deep underground, someone has been waiting for Fionn. As the battle to become the island's next champion rages, a more sinister magic is waking up, intent on rekindling an ancient war.

01 Aug 2022

Amazing book. Gripped from early on and read it in about two days. The storyline, setting and characters were well written. I'm not always big on magic and fantasy books but this had just the right amount for me. Looking forward to reading the rest of the trilogy.

26 Jul 2022

I enjoyed this. I liked Shelby in the way that she was able to be with both families. I would recommend it. I’m realising that I keep buying wrong for my class, not sure many would manage this just now.

19 Jul 2022

A good book for people who like adventure. The tale of a boy called Fionn, who goes to a mysterious island to live with his grandad. He sees things and does things that most people are unable to do. Will the war restart while Fionn's grandfather is a storm keeper, or someone else?

I loved this book.

17 Jul 2022

I loved this book!
My favourite person was Fionn Boyle, if I was in the story I would be Fionn.
I would recommend this book to everyone.

24 Apr 2022

I thought that this book was really adventurous and intriguing because it had some really exciting stuff in there!! My favourite person was Fionn because he was really helpful towards his grandfather and he did save his sister’s life!! I would definitely recommend!!

10 Aug 2021

This book is amazing because Fionn is the youngest storm keeper in the end!

01 Aug 2021

I love how the candles can hold magic and how the island of Arranmore has so many layers and holds so many memories.

30 Jul 2021

magical adventurous book

28 Jul 2021

loved this book
it is spooky

22 Jul 2021

I thought the book was great if you like magic and adventures this book is for you, this is interesting because it has lot's of twists and turns.

22 Jul 2021

This book was partly about Irish folklore, which is unusual and interesting. The main character had certain negative personalities - such as being a coward often, and having a fear of the sea - but this didn’t make him frustrating or annoying to read about. My favourite character was the main character, Fionn Boyle’s, grandfather. I give this book 4 stars for its humor and adventure.

18 Jul 2021

Beautiful descriptions and I can’t wait to read about the ancient war and the battle scenes in the next books!

16 Jul 2021

I loved this book so much. It was exciting and the story was so imaginative. Unlike anything I had read before. I would recommend it for boys or girls age 10 plus but really anybody capable of reading!! Even though it was fantasy, which is not my preferred genre, the characters problems and teenage drama gave the story a rea sense of a new reality.

29 Jun 2021

This is number 1 of a trilogy. You have to concentrate as this book zips along.
Fionn hasn't set foot on the island for some time and really doesn't believe all that rubbish about magic and saving the world, until...
You need to read this series.

13 Jan 2021

I thought this book was ok but it wasn’t my taste because it has lots of sinking boats and threatening deaths in it. I would recommend this book to people that like peril.

03 Sep 2020

A wonderful start to a trilogy where we follow the protagonist on his journey as he discovers his role as the new storm keeper. I enjoyed the budding relationship between Fionn and his grandfather and how they face challenges together. The magic, sorcery and the battles keeps the reader on edge.

29 Aug 2020

Fionn and his sister Tara have to spend the summer on the island of Arranmore with their mysterious grandpa, their mother is unwell. As Tara goes off with her boyfriend Bartley Beasley, to search for a magic cave, Fionn learns more about the past of the island, his family and magic. His grandpa makes candles that take people back to different layers, even to the mythological Dagda fighting the evil Morrigan, who now lies beneath the island. Fionn is entwined with things that have gone before. He also finds more about his father who died before he was born. I would recommend this to people in upper KS2 or KS3, who like family stories, adventure and magic.

28 Aug 2020

I enjoyed this book, my favourite character was Tara.

27 Aug 2020

This book is one of my favourites as it has a interesting idea. I liked that the story shows there could be mre to a person then meets the eye and that not everything is as boring as it looks.

25 Aug 2020

It was so magicial in all the best ways and grips you to your seat wanting to read on.

21 Aug 2020

Thrills and excitement, laughs and magic. I never wanted to put this book down.

17 Aug 2020

An exciting action story.

17 Aug 2020

It was an exciting, thrilling book. I recommend it!

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