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The Velveteen Rabbit

The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

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By Margery Williams

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36 reviews


27 Aug 2024

I didn't really enjoy this and would not recommend.

21 Aug 2024

This was an interesting book but I didn't really enjoy it. It was fairly short and I read it really quickly. But I would recommend it to people who want a book for light reading.

15 Aug 2024

My favourite character is the velveteen rabbit because of how cute and I really like animals.My favourite part of the story was when the magical fairy came out the plant and transformed the the toy rabbit to a real one.Also I would recommend this to someone else.

14 Aug 2024

I liked that the bunny was the boys favourite toy.

09 Jul 2024

It was sad at some parts but the rest was happy,
although I did not find it sad because I saw the movie and I knew the rabbit would have a happy life I found it quite enjoyable so whoever is reading this would recommend it to you

18 Feb 2024

I like the boy because he was so kind to the rabbit and because he made the rabbit feel special and real. I liked that the boy made the rabbit feel real and special.

31 Aug 2023

I loved the ending it was so unexpected my favourite person was the fairy it interested me because every time I put it down I wanted to know more I 100% recommend it.

21 Aug 2023

Fairies made the rabbit magic

23 Aug 2022

I loved it

08 Aug 2022

I really liked the book, it was really interesting because in the end the boy took the rabbit out into the raspberry canes and made a burrow for him.

02 Aug 2022

I liked the book because it was magical. It made me feel that little toy bunnies can sometimes, in your imagination, be real. I would recommend it to girls of my age.

25 Jul 2022

My favorite character was the Velveteen Rabbit because he was brave and funny. The boy was sick and hot, but Velveteen Rabbit stayed by his side. Velveteen Rabbit made the boy feel better. This book made me feel a bit scared and nervous, because the boy got ill. My favorite part of the story was when the Velveteen Rabbit helped the boy.

18 Jul 2022

I Liked all of the boo

09 Jul 2022

I won this book at the Easter bonnet parade

23 Nov 2021

This book is good. I like it a lot. It is a fiction book. I like the bunny best. Yes I would recommend this book my mommy.

19 Aug 2021

I like rabbits and playing with my toys. I am surprised that the book was written almost 100 years ago.

18 Aug 2021

Very sweet and charming tale.

07 Aug 2021

It was sad when the rabbit was going to be burned. I liked it when he became real at the end!

23 Jun 2021

This was a very moving story. I love to imagine that my special toys might become real when I really love them.

02 Oct 2020

Enchanting. It made me feel happy all day after I finished it.

05 Sep 2020

Loved this book because it was all about love for toys

04 Aug 2020

I loved the velveteen rabbit. My favourite animal is a rabbit so I absolutely loved it even more. I think everyone should read this because Margery Williams is an excellent author.

30 Jul 2020

I have this as a bed time makes me happy. I am happy the little boy gets better after being sick and that the toy rabbit gets to be a real one.

15 Jul 2020

A little bit confusing but still a good read. An old classic but would definitely recommend

11 Jun 2020

This book is fiction.

My favourite character is the boy because I liked how he didn’t always play with his toy rabbit.

I give this book a rating out of 1/10 because I really didn’t like the story.

01 Aug 2019

Fiction book.
I liked it because it had rabbits which are my favourite animal.

03 Sep 2018

This was a lovely, short read with wonderful description. It makes you think of your old toys who you maybe don't play with any more because you have new ones. My favourite character was the Skin Horse, the oldest toy in the nursery and, like the Velveteen Rabbit, is not mechanical, unlike the other toys.

22 Aug 2017

Because it's nice.

23 Aug 2016

I liked this book because I read it in 1 and a half days!!!!!

13 Jul 2016

I enjoyed reading this with my mummy

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