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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia, Book 2)

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia, Book 2) by C. S. Lewis

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By C. S. Lewis

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141 reviews

Introducing the second book of the newly designed Narnia classics. Perfect for those seeking a contemporary take on The Chronicles of Narnia.


01 Sep 2024

Best book ever!However I still can’t figure out why Santa’s in it.

30 Aug 2024

It was a really good book. It started a bit slow because I didn't understand why they introduced new characters, but later in the book, it turned out better. I liked Edmund the most because he was funny and smart and was one of the main characters.

20 Aug 2024

A very long book but I liked the story and watched the film after

12 Aug 2024

Amazing story. Could totally imagine and feel Narnia in the story. Story kept me wanting to read more. Beautiful classic book

11 Aug 2024

As the chronicals of Narnia is in my long list of favourite books, this one is too. This is the most popular of all the series, and was the first of the books that i read, of the most well-deserved bestselling author, C.S Lewis.In this, the pevensie children discover that they themselves are the two daughters of Eve and the two sons of Adam, destinied to be the proud leaders of great empire of Narnia. The current Queen is the white witch, who usurped the land with her dark powers, whilst the great Aslan - the legendary lion, worshipped by the people in Narnia as their god - was away, and cast a evil, everlasting winter spell upon the uhfortunate land. The worst part was that it was never christmas and anyone who atempted to speak or fight against her was turned into a miserable looking stone statue.
This is the story of good fighting over evil, thus the four pevensie children join forces with the legendary lion and defeat the evil white witch, ending her reign of terror, and they thenselves become kings and queens of Narnia, crowned by Aslan himself. The new emprors of Narnia do all they can to protect Narnia and help it thrive.
They are named the greatest emprors of all time, until they return back to England.
I would recommend this book to everyone, as people of all ages can enjoy it, adults and children alike.
A must read, for everyone.

10 Aug 2024

The story is about 4 children who went into a wardrobe and discovered a place called Narnia. They are helping the lion, Aslan, to defeat the White Witch. That is because White Witch made it always winter and never Christmas. I like this story and I would recommend it to someone else.

31 Jul 2024

I like the lion

21 Jul 2024

A good book

17 Jul 2024

Narnia, a world of wonder and mystery, is ruled by the nastiest queen ever.
She makes it always be Winter but NEVER Christmas- imagine that!
It’s unsafe. You can’t talk about stuff you wouldn’t want the queen to hear because she has got spies, so you don’t know who trust.
Even some trees are on her side; spying for her, being like a servant
to her, working for her!
No one can be trusted becaus you do not know who might be working for her.

15 Jul 2024

I loved the twists and turns of where in Narnia they would enter through the mysterious wardrobe. I would definitely recommend this book to others.

12 Jul 2024

best book ever you have to read it amazing

11 Jul 2024

I loved how it was giving me quite a lot of clues in the dramatic part. It just really kept my attention. And also I loved how the children became kings and queens at the end.

15 Jun 2024

I like this book as it is an adventure story and I love adventure storys.
I would recommend this book to someone who loves adventure story.

14 Jun 2024

I realy like this book as it is very adventurous

09 Jun 2024

i thought this book was one of the best in the series. i would recommend this to children who like fantasy.

02 Mar 2024

I liked Peter the best especially when he became High King of Narnia after defeating the White witch with Aslan the great lion. I liked it most when Aslan killed himself then got respawned. Yes I would recommend this book.

13 Feb 2024

My favourite character was Lucy because she is a very kind girl and she forgived the faun Mr Tumnus for trying to take her to the White Witch and then when she took her brothers and sisters into Narnia with her they found out that the poor faun had been arrested by the White Witch (probably for not handing over the Daughter of Eve which is a girl) . I think Peter was the bravest , Susan was the gentlest , Edmund was the just him and Lucy was the kindest.

28 Dec 2023

Loved this book, especially because it is a imaginary world which anything happen.

04 Dec 2023

Good book its about 4 kids that had to leave London because there was a war so they had to go on a train . They had to go to a profesors house . The four kids are called Edmund , Lucy ,Peter and Susan . They fount a wardrobe in the mansion . While they were playing a game of hide and seek Lucy went into the work of Narnia (in the wardrobe ) . She was there for ours but when she came back it she was only 100 seconds .

09 Oct 2023

It's a very good book. The words are very complicated so this will help my vocabulary and pronunciation skills

12 Sep 2023

I loved this and all the adventures the children went on. I did find the white witch a bit scary though!

11 Sep 2023

I liked it because it made me feel different emotions, like when the lion died and came back to life, went from being sad to happy.

05 Sep 2023

I absolutely loved the magical world of Narnia. It was great when the evil witch was finally defeated and everyone lives in peace in Narnia.

30 Aug 2023

The book was good and interesting and it is very detailed and long

28 Aug 2023

I really liked the story and I would definitely recommend it to a friend

28 Aug 2023

This book was interesting because it's amazing how Lucy, Susan, Edmund and Peter went into the wardrobe and found Narnia.

27 Aug 2023

Love the vocabulary used and how things were described.

17 Aug 2023

This book is packed full of adventure. My favourite character was definitely the lion.
It tells a tale about magical creatures and an evil witch who tries to turn everyone into stone.

15 Aug 2023

I loved it I think lots of people so le love it to

09 Aug 2023

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a great book - my favourite character was Aslan (the lion). I would recommend to kids who like fantasy novels.

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