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The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day

The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day by Christopher Edge

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By Christopher Edge

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43 reviews

How do you know you really exist? It’s Maisie’s birthday and she can’t wait to open her presents. From the author of The Many Worlds of Albie Bright and The Jamie Drake Equation.

Cover illustration by Matt Saunders. ""Give this man his own place on the periodic table!""


23 Dec 2023

I love that it gave you two stories at a time about what happened before and after Maisie died and I love that she was climbing up and down on the infinite loop

13 Sep 2023

Good book

30 Aug 2023

The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day is a fiction book about a girl's tenth birthday and how it suddenly changes into two different types of life. My favourite character is Maisie because she is smart and loves to learn more about the universe and space. I would recommend it to someone who likes cliffhangers and science.

24 Aug 2023

A great suspense story that keeps you guessing throughout. Kept me reading.
Good for a confident eight year old reader and above.

18 Aug 2023

I really recommend Christopher edge's books!!! They propose an excellent marriage of science and real life. I can't wait for the next one.

11 Aug 2023

This book was quite good. The only reason I give it three stars was that it was slightly confusing at the start. When you get into the book, it is perfect : friendship, scares, love, mystery. I think that anyone from the age of 9 would love this book.

11 Aug 2023

I liked this book because it had a cliffhanger at the end of every chapter so it made you want to read more! It was fiction and my favourite character is either Maisie or Lily. I would recommend it to somebody else because it really makes you think and most people probably enjoy that.

31 Jul 2023

Fun and is about science which is interesting.

26 Jul 2023

it was very confusing at first but towards the end it was all favourite character was maisie's intrested me because of the title and i thought it was mystery so i decided to read it and i love mystery books.100% yes!

19 Jul 2023

I would recommend it to someone who is brave because some parts scared me a little bit, like the part where everything went completely black. I liked Maisie because I thought she was an adventurous person.

16 Aug 2022

At times, difficult to get your head around things but I liked the writing and character of Maisie. Didn’t see that coming… ✨

06 Aug 2022

I liked it

28 Jul 2022

I think this book is my favourite book by Christopher Edge, because it seemed very puzzling at first, but then gradually the reader got to understand what was going on in both lives of Maisie Day. Maisie Day was my favourite character, because she is as kind as she is smart and even though she thought her big sister Lily hated her, she managed to cope with her and they were both happy with each other, and also, Maisie's cleverness helped her work out what everything was when she felt confused and alone. I like Lily too (but not as much as Maisie) because at the start of the book she is SO moody with Maisie, but then as you read more, her feelings towards Maisie change (and she actually starts crying a lot about her little sister!). I think that Maisie and Lily work well together as a team and I am glad that they started becoming more like themselves before Lily turned into a teenager. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes science (because you can learn a lot about that from Maisie), computing (because of what happens at the end) or anyone who just likes a puzzle.

My favourite part was the twist at the end, because it was just super-exciting and made you wonder what was going to happen in the next chapter like in the rest of the book, except it made you want to know even more. I think the author deliberately made the chapters end when it got exciting, so that you had to wait to find out what happened next, because there are two lives of Maisie Day, and at the end of one of the chapter, you want to know what happens next, but it changes to the other life so you have to read that chapter first and then when you read that chapter, you want to know what happens in two chapters, but then you have to go back to the other chapter! It is a bit confusing, but it all makes sense when you read the book.

21 Jan 2022

I thought this was great. It was good because it was Maisie birthday but its was only blackness that was when she went to her sisters room and said she was dead. She got hit by a train. I recommend it to a friend.

08 Aug 2021

It was a very exciting book with a lot of very cool facts weaved into the book. There was only one main character in it, Maisie, though her adventure was mightily adventurous. I would definitely recommend it if you like science, interesting reads, action, adventure and a twist!

05 Aug 2021

I really liked it because it said a lot of things about science. I would recommend it to anyone else.

06 Jul 2021

It was scary and I didn't even know what was happening at the start of it!

30 Dec 2020

The best book ever! Switching between two realities, Maisie discovers something incredible. She stops something terrible happening. This book is an absolute must!

06 Dec 2020

The best book I have ever read so far. This is very heart breaking when you know what happens as apparently Maisie died. Additionally this is a confusing book, the odd chapters being the present and the even chapters being a flashback (not including the last two chapters; they are both present). It frightened me when the book introduced the black blobs and the desolate landscape which technically wasn't even a landscape! I would recommend this to someone (especially nerds)!

26 Nov 2020

This is an amazing book about science and infinite worlds.

25 Nov 2020

I good book

23 Sep 2020

This has a really BIG twist and I recommend it so much

13 Sep 2020

This is a great read. An engaging story woven with scientific language. I learnt new words in a simple way.
The ending is heart-wrenching and I loved the questions that were left in my mind at the end.
The main character's 'voice' throughout the story worked well.
This is a great story. I will definitely recommend this to some of the children in my year 6 class.

30 Aug 2020

Maisie wakes up on her 10th birthday to find everyone has disappeared. But then she also wakes up in a parallel time about to have a great birthday party, so there are two timelines going on through alternating chapters. Maisie needs to work out what’s going on.

Good points are that there are fantastic explanations of physics and mathematics, Maisie is female and smart and good exploration of a sibling relationship. However, I never really connected with it emotionally so the book just didn’t click for me. Might be to do with expectations though, as so many people absolutely love it.

28 Aug 2020

This book was very interesting. Although it is a kid's book, the narrator explains some concepts of science that are very complicated and hard to understand. It is also very scary, and gave me shivers. I do not suggest you read it if you don't like scary/horror stories. It is very exciting, though. Not suggested bedtime reading. Another book by Christopher Edge is called How to be a Young Writer, which isn't scary, and, (as the name suggests) it teaches you how to write stories. I will review that one too.

28 Aug 2020

An amazing science fiction book! At first I was confused as to why the chapters didn't relate to each other but at the end, I understood. This book is very complex as well as fascinating to read...TOO fascinating. This book is just so awesome I cannot explain although (spoiler alert) it does contain blood.

25 Aug 2020

This book is all about a girl called Maisie day who is spectacularly clever! She is doing her gCSEs and she has an older sister called lily. In this book maisie wakes up to find everyone gone and the whole world surrounded in blackness, each chapter is a different life for maisie, in one the darkness didn’t happen and she is celebrating for her birthday with her family and in another she is dead but ill explain how she dies later, maisie is a genius and lily is really jealous of her, maisie has her birthday and get lots of presents but disaster strikes, maisie suddenly dies when she and lily and have a running race home. They had just been to the shops and maisie had got two balloons from the nice shopkeeper, they were walking home when lily asks for a running race and shoots round the corner, maisie is left standing on the train track and she doesn’t realise that her balloons are travelling towards the power line, then boom, maisie gets 25,000 volts of electricity shot into her. She goes to hospital but it’s too ate for her, her heart beat has stopped but her brain line is keeping going so she’s basically alive but dead if that makes sense! This is a great book and I recommend it!

25 Aug 2020

This book is all about a girl called Maisie day who is spectacularly clever! She is doing her gCSEs and she has an older sister called lily. In this book maisie wakes up to find everyone gone and the whole world surrounded in blackness, each chapter is a different life for maisie, in one the darkness didn’t happen and she is celebrating for her birthday with her family and in another she is dead but ill explain how she dies later, maisie is a genius and lily is really jealous of her, maisie has her birthday and get lots of presents but disaster strikes, maisie suddenly dies when she and lily and have a running race home. They had just been to the shops and maisie had got two balloons from the nice shopkeeper, they were walking home when lily asks for a running race and shoots round the corner, maisie is left standing on the train track and she doesn’t realise that her balloons are travelling towards the power line, then boom, maisie gets 25,000 volts of electricity shot into her. She goes to hospital but it’s too ate for her, her heart beat has stopped but her brain line is keeping going so she’s basically alive but dead if that makes sense! This is a great book and I recommend it!This book is all about a girl called Maisie day who is spectacularly clever! She is doing her gCSEs and she has an older sister called lily. In this book maisie wakes up to find everyone gone and the whole world surrounded in blackness, each chapter is a different life for maisie, in one the darkness didn’t happen and she is celebrating for her birthday with her family and in another she is dead but ill explain how she dies later, maisie is a genius and lily is really jealous of her, maisie has her birthday and get lots of presents but disaster strikes, maisie suddenly dies when she and lily and have a running race home. They had just been to the shops and maisie had got two balloons from the nice shopkeeper, they were walking home when lily asks for a running race and shoots round the corner, maisie is left standing on the train track and she doesn’t realise that her balloons are travelling towards the power line, then boom, maisie gets 25,000 volts of electricity shot into her. She goes to hospital but it’s too ate for her, her heart beat has stopped but her brain line is keeping going so she’s basically alive but dead if that makes sense! This is a great book and I recommend it!

21 Aug 2020

I liked the part when it was maisie's birthday

10 Aug 2020

This is one of my favourite books because it involves science and the laws of the universe, but it is also about family and friendship. My favourite character was Maisie, she was so clever yet loveable and friendly. I would definitely recommend it.

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