The Dark
As seen:
I loved this. I have found it interesting how much more my son talks about books after we have finished them when the book is excellent. This is one he'll ask questions about for days after, as is we found a hat.
Fantastic illustrations from Lemony Snicket accompany a gentle story about over coming a fear of the dark.
I enjoyed this simple, but powerful, story about overcoming your fears. The story was suitably creepy in parts and Jon Klassen's art blended with it perfectly.
I would recommend this book to children in Y2+.
A picture book exploring the dark from a young child's perspective. The reader is taken on a journey through the child's home, seeing it through his eyes and thoughts. Along with Jon Klassen's striking pictures (using contrasting light and dark), the book reveals the power of the imagination in a simple, everyday setting.
I love the dark.
It was a little strange, the pictures were cool. I think it would help Children who are scared of the dark.
It was a bit scary but I liked it in the end
I liked how Laszlo overcame his fear of the dark and how he’s muh braver now.
Great book
I liked it
Fun read exploring the sounds in the house and learning about the dark!
I think that this book can help children that are afraid of the dark . I also think that it was a good book
I like this book because it makes you think about how the dark can be scary but when you think about it there is really nothing to be scared of really and is actually needed.
It was all dark, but I like the light, not the dark.
I like this book because it showed me that dark is not scary.
I love Lemony Snicket, so I thought I might take a look at this. Amazing. Maybe on of the best children's books I've ever read.
It's wasn't the type of book I was expecting so I wasn't that keen on it but I like other lemony sniket books
The pictures in this book are lovely and the story is nice. It's about being scared of the dark, which I'm not but it's just a lovely book in every way.
good book
I enjoyed the book
Good book
I liked the story, i was brave
It is a bit scary, but the dark is nice and makes the boy not so scared.
I didnt really enjoy this book but it was a bit stupid!
I like this book because at the beginning he was scared of the dark but by the end he wasn't scared anymore.
this book is great for children who are scared of the dark.:D
Great book to learn not to be scared of the dark
I think you should read this book because it is about a boy called Laszlo and how he stopped being afraid of the dark
It will get you over your fear