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Online Book Group Wales / Grwp Darllen Arlein Cymru

adults, young people

Virtual group


The group was formed in April 2020 in collaboration with Borrowbox, and its creation was suggested in light of the Covid-19 measures in force, to support users that are housebound or struggling to attend a book group in person due to factors such as the closure of libraries, shift working or childcare issues. Users can take part no matter where they are located in Wales. Each month, titles are chosen by popular vote. Titles will become available as eBook or/and eAudio through our Borrowbox service, or members can join in with their own print copy. Welsh & English titles are available for discussion every month. The group will prompt a 'half-way' discussion, followed by a final discussion at the end of each month.

Accepting new members

Tags audio, bibliotherapy (Mood-boosting Books), ebook, online, talking books, visually impaired

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